Testimonial: I was so excited to be asked and had no clear knowledge of what the benefits of the experience would be. I did a little research into a sound bath encounter and learned there are different ranges of sound produced by the crystal bowls that meet different goals within the structure of the event.(?)
I was worried about successfully getting on the float because I'm not very agile. But I did get on and felt very pampered getting my eye pillow and covering. Then the magic began! Being adrift, in a totally safe environment, was absolutely amazing!!! It truly was an out of body, limitless moment! I can't adequately express the feeling of freedom and being lighter than air that came over me so quickly, too! I felt like I was soaring and yet one with the mattress. Even the gentle bumps as I meet obstacles seemed like release.
I thought your introduction and opening were beautifully stated and clear to help us focus our thoughts and feelings. It gave room for individuals to parse what resonated with them while providing guidance on how to get to a state of mindfulness.
Your playing was beautiful and very soothing without intruding on the process of our thoughts. I wished then, and now, that I had a better understanding of what the healing benefits of the sound portion are to individuals. I know there are many who seek this out for healing, but I couldn't begin to explain what or how it heals. It was a perfect accompaniment to the event. Your closing remarks were vital to pulling me back to myself. They were spot on with the message you were giving at the start and gave us the next steps to continue our reflection & mindfulness of the bounty we each receive from life.
It took a bit to come back to time and place, and even then, my body felt almost drugged. I wasn't entirely sure I'd be able to stand and move at first. Getting off was much more successful than getting on! I was glad to have a few minutes to sit and adjust back to reality before trekking to the car. An entirely beautiful experience!
I do think you might want to reduce the weight of the eye pillows. My eyes were pretty blurry from the weighted pillow at the end, and I know several others expressed similar problems focusing. It did feel like a significant weight on my eyes, but I wasn't worried it would fall off!
Because I botched getting onto the float, I was extremely wet and was very cold during the session. I wish I had brought dry clothing to change into after I was out of the pool, or even a big towel to wrap up with. That's my fault for being under prepared. Next time, I'll make sure to have a towel & wear a dress or shorts and, hopefully, stay dry during the loading process. I felt incredibly lucky to have done this and very relaxed.
Please be sure I'm on your list for future events. It's a fascinating subject and I can't wait to learn more. If I've left out a piece of info you'd like me to speak to, please let me know. Thank you again for offering me such a rich life adventure! Hugs!🥰 -RM